Monday, July 6, 2020

The Yummiest Detox Water Recipes To Try

Hallo, welcome to the time site of cooking super tasty cuisine, read and listen to the recipe OK.

These infusions contain all the detoxing goodness of their ingredients and have a whole bunch of other benefits too. Let’s begin by looking at some of the ingredients you can use and why they’re good for you.

Ingredients Benefits

Lemons, Limes, Grapefruits or Oranges
  • Contain antioxidants that fight toxins
  • Improve your digestion
  • Build your immune system
  • Freshen your skin
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Boost metabolism for weight loss
  • Gets rid of toxins
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves digestion
  • Aids weight loss
  • Anti-cancer
  • Rich in minerals
Berries (Raspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry)
  • Rich in toxin-fighting antioxidants
  • Fight inflammation
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Anti-cancer
  • Get rid of toxins
  • Help with weight loss
  • Anti-cancer
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Promote heart health
Kiwi Fruit
  • Full of toxin-fighting antioxidants
  • Rich in essential minerals
  • Heart health
  • Improve digestion
  • Flush toxins
  • Isotonic rehydration
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Strengthen immunity
  • Boost metabolism for weight loss
  • Improves digestion
  • Fights heart disease
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Full of antioxidants
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces cramps and bloating
  • Lifts your mood
  • Perfect for your skin
Basil or Rosemary
  • Antioxidants get rid of toxins
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces depression
  • Anti-cancer
  • Fights bacteria
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces bloating
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-cancer

Detox Water Recipes

It’s so easy! Just make sure you leave your detox water with fruit and all in the refrigerator for a minimum of two hours before you drink it. This allows the goodness of the ingredients to be transferred to the water.

For all of these recipes:
  • Use a large jar or pitcher.
  • Pack it with sliced fruits.
  • Add herbs or spices.
  • Top up the container with ice water.
  • Place it in the fridge for at least two hours or overnight.

Whether or not you eat the fruit afterward is up to you. Does it sound wasteful? Just think what you’d spend on vitamin water from a store, and it wouldn’t be half as good for you. Get your kids to try your detox water; it’s a lot better for them than store-bought soft drinks.

Eating the fruit is great if you want a bit of fiber to reduce your appetite and help with your weight loss. You’ll also get the last of the goodness out of the fruit.
Orange & Kiwi*
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One sliced orange
  • Two peeled and sliced kiwis
  • A twist of mint (optional)

Raspberry & Mint*
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One cup raspberries (whole)
  • One-quarter cup of mint leaves
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves (optional)

Blueberry & Lime (or lemon)*
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One cup of blueberries (whole)
  • One lemon or one and a half limes

Strawberry & Basil*
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One cup of strawberries
  • One-quarter cup basil
  • One sliced lemon (optional)

Lemon & Cucumber*
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One sliced lemon
  • Quarter cucumber sliced

*Recipes by
Watermelon & Mint
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One cup of sliced watermelon
  • One-quarter cup of mint leaves
  • Quarter cucumber sliced (optional)

Apple & Cinnamon
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One sliced apple
  • One cinnamon stick

Strawberry, Lemon & Grapefruit
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • Quarter cup strawberries
  • One lemon (sliced)
  • One grapefruit (sliced)

Raspberry, Kiwi & Lemon
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • One cup raspberries
  • Two kiwis (peeled and sliced)
  • One lemon or lime (sliced)

Strawberry, Kiwi & Cucumber
For every two cups of water use 2 cups of ice and add:
  • Quarter cup strawberries
  • One kiwi (peeled and sliced)
  • A quarter of a cucumber (sliced)

Cucumber Combos

Believe it or not, cucumber is one of the healthiest and most refreshing ingredients for making detox vitamin water. Combine it with a variety of ingredients. The flavor is relatively neutral, so it goes well with various ingredients. For example, lemon, mint, and basil all go very well with cucumber. For a classic cucumber water, lemon and mint are the go-to combos.


To add the tang (and benefits) of ginger to just about any combo, replace one cup of water with one cup of pre-brewed ginger tea. Make it using about half a dozen slices of ginger steeped in hot water and allowed to cool before use.

Other Ingredients to Try

Almost any fresh, seasonal fruit can add to your detox vitamin water combos: peaches, pineapples, and grapes are all great ingredients to try. You can also experiment with a variety of herbs, including sage, thyme, and lemon balm. They all add to the flavor, and while sage and thyme share similar benefits to basil, lemon balm has similar properties to mint.

Try these combos:

  • Pineapple & mint
  • Watermelon & rosemary
  • Blackberry (or other berries) & sage
  • Citrus, basil & mint
  • Peach, lemon & pineapple
Quite a few and happy, good to try new recipes, the source is listed below!


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